“I say thank you” – New attorney dedicates her success to late father

New attorney attributes her success to her late father.

Ismat Bacchus, was about to begin her studies at the Hugh Wooding Law School in Trinidad, she lost her father, who believed in her dream of becoming a lawyer.

In Guyana On Friday, two days before her father’s 68th birthday, the young lawyer was admitted to the local bar by Demerara High Court Chief Justice (ag) Roxanne George.

Addressing the court for the first time as a lawyer, Bacchus broke down in tears as she reflected on the death of her father, Imtias Bacchus.

“My primary supporter throughout my life, my father, Mr. Imtiaz Bacchus, unfortunately, passed away just as I was about to begin my final year of the LLB program and the impact which that had on me was tremendous.

Upon his passing, everything in my life changed abruptly. Simply saying that he and I were close is saying very little. He was the person that stayed up many nights with me whilst I was studying, checking frequently to see if I needed anything…he never questioned what I needed or where he was going to get it. He simply provided,” she said while fighting back tears.

She smiled as she told the court that her late father always boasted proudly about her legal education, and every person that knew him and would meet her would always say,

Attorney-at-law Ismat Bacchus and Chief Justice (ag) Roxane George (Carl Croker photo)

“You’re Mr. Bacchus’ daughter, how are your studies going?”

“…. his belief in me allowed me to believe in myself. In the moments of doubt after his passing, particularly through a very rough first year of my LEC, I always kept pushing myself because I wanted to do it not just for me but for him. And I kept that determination till the end that now I am proud to say that I graduated with almost all As in my final year,” the young attorney said.

Unfortunately, he didn’t get to see her cross the finish line, but she had a photo of him on the court to make sure he was with her to commemorate the bittersweet moment.

“I know my dad would’ve been extremely proud today, as I am certain my mother is as well and to this, I say thank you,” she added.

After completing her studies at the University of Guyana, she attended the Hugh Wooding Law School (HWLS) in Trinidad and successfully completed the LEC program. She is a recipient of a scholarship from the Ministry of Public Service.

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